The Awakening of my Inner Wanderlust: How Traveling Made Me More Confident

We’ve come to the age where #travelgoals or #wanderlust has been very popular especially among millennials. However, I was one of the people who are afraid of going outside, never leaving the bedroom or the house for even days.
Scared of the Outside World
Growing up, I’ve been sheltered so I became shy and somewhat socially awkward. I am also a bit afraid of leaving my own house. Maybe I am slightly agoraphobic because I keep worrying about the bad things that might happen if I left the safe zone of our house.
I was in my teens and I didn’t even know how to get from one city or another. It took me years until I am finally able to commute and travel on my own. Now that I am an adult already, I knew things have to change or else I’ll never get anywhere.
I started applying to different companies in the year 2018. I was even terrified of how I can get there. Thank God for the Grab app or I would be completely lost. I was 20 years old when I get my first job. It took several weeks before I get used to commuting and going outside of my house a lot. I realized, it is not so bad to be outside.
Baby Steps in Traveling
I decided that I would step out more often. I would go to nearby parks and just sit there in silence. It’s nice to feel the wind in my face or feel the warmth of the sun. Weeks pass by and I started trying to get in nearby popular destinations such as Batangas, Zambales, Olongapo, Quezon, etc. Sometimes I join my parents or friends so I would at least still feel safe with numbers.
Each adventure and experiences made me feel more sure of myself. Like if I can endure sitting in the car or a bus for hours and surviving it, I can do anything. I tried a bunch of activities that surely gave me adrenaline rush such as Parasailing in Boracay, Surfing in Baler or Sandboarding in Paoay, Ilocos. Whenever I come back, it brings more positivity and confidence within me. But it also leaves a thirst for more adventures.
How Traveling Changed Me for the Better
Traveling made me more responsible for my finances as well. I learned how to budget and save. I learned how to prioritize things that are important to me. I learned about the importance of insurance. I started talking to people, socializing, meeting new friends and learning new things. It’s been amazing so far.
I’ve been to different provinces of the Philippines and still counting. It’s not as much as the others who are true adventurers at their core but at least it is something. It’s gotta count, right? Last December, I finally made my first international trip in Hanoi, Vietnam. The next few months will be filled with more adventures.
I thought that traveling was nothing but luxury but now I see traveling as an investment. An investment for yourself, your happiness and expanding your knowledge. Traveling will teach you things that schools or books won’t. It pushes you to do things you’ve never done before and discover things about you. It helps you become a better version of yourself.
Thank you for this post! I can quite relate to your experience but for me it’s the other way around. I grew up being so outgoing and even extroverted but as I grew older I became quieter and more of a home buddy. I’m currently trying to slowly become as outgoing as I can again and to go out of my comfort zone. Anyways, good luck to more travels!